The origin of the phone number 978 444 5700 is unknown though the caller using the number purports to come from a debt collection agency.
Despite claiming to be from a debt collection agency, callers using the phone number 978 444 5700 never disclose details of the organization they represent.
There is a good chance whoever calls using the above mentioned number is a scammer and people should watch out for that.
Who exactly is 978 444 5700 and What Do They Want?
People have been receiving calls from 978 444 5700 lately sometimes up to 30 calls in a day. If you have been receiving calls from the same number then you are not alone as so many other people have reported frequent calls from the same number.
While people have reported receiving many calls from the above number, none of them can accurately describe who the caller was and what they wanted.  In many cases, the caller started by demanding the call’s recipient name before proceeding.  In cases where the call’s recipients refused to identify themselves the caller hung up immediately.
Sustained acts of this nature from the caller are what have led to immense speculations regarding the authenticity of the people or organization calling using the same number. Many people now believe that people calling using 978 444 5700 are scammers since they cannot even identify themselves.
What You Need To Do When You Receive Calls from 978 444 5700
You need to be very careful with any call coming from 978 444 5700 given that the call could be coming from scammers. Â Even though there have been instances where callers using them number have claimed to come from a debt collection company none of them have identified themselves and the company they represent.
Some of the callers have even gone ahead to ask for personal information from the call’s recipients before introducing themselves.  Such acts are unusual and inconsistent with certified debt collector’s practices. You are therefore urged to be very careful with any calls coming from the number 978 444 5700 and if possible withhold any personal information from the caller until the caller identifies themselves properly.
978 444 5700
1 978 444 5700
978 444-5700