The phone number 800-421-2110 belongs to Bank of America, specifically to their debt collection department. However, this number has also been misused by scammers pretending to be from Bank of America.
When you receive a call from this number, it’s essential to confirm its source before proceeding. If you owe Bank of America money, the call could be a legitimate follow-up from their collection office. If you do not owe them any money, the call might be from scammers.
Who is 800-421-2110 and Why Are They Calling You?
There is significant confusion surrounding the phone number 800-421-2110. While it is officially associated with Bank of America, it is also frequently used by scammers. This makes it challenging to determine the true source of the call when you receive one from this number. If you owe Bank of America money, the call may be a legitimate reminder regarding your debt. However, if you do not have any outstanding debt with them, the call could be a scam.
How to Deal With Calls from 800-421-2110
How you handle calls from this number depends on how accurately you can identify its source. If the call is genuinely from Bank of America and you owe them money, the next step is to contact the bank directly to verify the reason for their call and discuss the debt they wish to recover.
If you do not owe money to Bank of America or any other bank, treat such calls as potential scams. Hang up immediately and report the call to the authorities.
It can also appear as
800 421 2110
1 800 421 2110
800 421-2110